Non potete ritenervi veri fan dei Pixel se non fate parte del Pixel Superfans Program

Peccato sia disponibile solo negli USA, dovrete trasferirvi per poter cercare di entrarci
Matteo Bottin
Matteo Bottin
Non potete ritenervi veri fan dei Pixel se non fate parte del Pixel Superfans Program

Magari avete acquistato ogni Pixel mai lanciato da Google, o forse avete visitato anche ogni sede Google al mondo, ma non potrete mai ritenervi dei veri fan dei prodotti della famiglia Pixel finché non verrete invitati a far parte del Pixel Superfans Program. Purtroppo questo programma è disponibile solo negli USA, ma questo può fermare il vero fan?

Scherzi a parte, Google negli USA ha avviato questo programma ad inviti chiamato Pixel Superfans Program. L'ammissione a questo gruppo garantisce offerte, benefit e l'invito ad eventi speciali. Purtroppo entrare nel gruppo dipende esclusivamente da Google: l'azienda ha invitato un piccolo gruppo di utenti Pixel statunitensi che negli anni hanno acquistato smartphone Nexus e Pixel direttamente dal Play Store.

Per invitare gli utenti, Google invia una email al fortunato cliente che rimanda ad un form di registrazione. Qui vengono richieste informazioni come gli hobby, i prodotti Google posseduti e se si è disponibili a partecipare ad un evento virtuale vicino.

Durante questo evento (che potrebbe tenersi il 17 o il 18 agosto) i Superfan si potranno conoscere a vicenda e scambiare qualche parola con il team che sta dietro ai prodotti Pixel.

I membri avranno accesso anche a "eventi ed esperienze" che potrebbero includere incontri faccia a faccia, offerte speciali e regali occasionali. Tra l'altro Google non prevede il rimborso delle spese di trasporto per gli incontri, quindi è possibile che siano invitati solo utenti vicini ai campus dell'azienda. Vorreste far parte del Pixel Superfans Program?


What is the Pixel Superfans Program?

Pixel Superfans is a program for people who love Pixel products. We were inspired to create this program because we know many of you love Pixel as much as we do, and we wanted to create a space where we could get to know each other. There is no cost to joining and you can be involved as much or as little as you want. We hope that you’ll want to connect with us and with each other.

Why should I join and what will I be asked to do?

You’ll have the opportunity to tell us what matters most to you, connect with other people who love Pixel, and help us understand what we can do to make your Pixel and other Google devices even more helpful. We’ll ask for your feedback and ideas on how we can make the program better, and evolve the program based on your input.

You may get access to surprise perks, such as exclusive offers, occasional gifts and special access to events and experiences. Plus, you’ll also be among the first to know about new products and features. We want to know what matters most to you, so that we can create perks and experiences tailored to what you care about. Please know that while we’ll always do our best to accommodate as many people as possible, the benefits offered to each person may vary based on availability.

Who can join?

You can join the program if you’ve received an invitation to participate from Google, are 18 years of age or older, and a resident of the United States. Unfortunately, invitations are non-transferable. Google LLC and Alphabet LLC employees and members of the press are not eligible to participate.

Government officials are not eligible to participate. Government officials include:

employees of national, state, and local governments, regardless of rank or title;
employees of government-owned or -controlled businesses or institutions (e.g., public universities, national telecom companies, etc.);
employees of public international organizations, like the United Nations or World Bank;
political parties and political party officials;
candidates for public office; and
members of royal families.
We’ve only reached out to a small group of Pixel owners (at this time, individuals who have purchased multiple Nexus or Pixel devices on Google Store). We want to create the best possible experience, but anticipate expanding the program in the future.

How do I join?

To join, fill out and submit the online survey included in your invitation. We know you’re really busy, but it should only take a few minutes and is mostly fun!

Are there any costs or additional requirements?

There are no costs or other requirements to join. You can decide how much or how little you’d like to participate. There may be occasional experiences, like in-person events, where you will need to cover out-of-pocket expenses (such as travel) in order to attend. We will be clear when you may incur financial costs for a Pixel Superfan experience.

What if I don’t want to join?

No problem. We’ll only contact you about this program going forward if you submit the survey included in the email inviting you to participate. If you ignore or do not submit the survey, you won’t be contacted again about joining.

What if I want to stop participating?

If you do submit the survey and decide at a later date that you no longer want to participate, you can opt-out of receiving Pixel Superfans communications at any time via the link provided in the footer of any emails we send you. You’ll continue to stay up-to-date on Google hardware products and related tips, features, services and offers.

If, upon opt-out, you would also like to have your information deleted, please email and we will delete all your identifiable information, but we may retain aggregate or pseudo-anonymous data for marketing analytics purposes.


Why are you asking me to complete this survey?

We’re developing the Pixel Superfans experience based on what you and others tell us in the survey. We know your time is important, so we want to make sure that you’re hearing about the opportunities that matter most to you.

What happens after I complete the survey?

After you complete the survey, you can expect to hear from us via e-mail and / or on social media if you shared your social media handles and your account is public.

Why will you be reaching out to me?

We’ll be reaching out periodically to give you the latest news on Google products, new features and get your feedback about this community. We may also ask for your thoughts on what benefits and activations you’re interested in, and to share special offers.

What happens to the data I submit in the survey?

Everything you tell us in the survey will be used and stored in accordance with Google’s Privacy Policy.


Posting on social media: Though these items are intended to be fun perks, if you decide to post about them, you may be subject to disclosure requirements under applicable laws. This may mean you need to disclose your relationship with Google in your content. While we cannot give you legal advice on how to disclose, we suggest you review the Federal Trade Commission’s site about endorsements/testimonials and/or seek legal guidance.