
Telegram X Beta si aggiorna ancora: occhio di riguardo per l'eliminazione delle chat

Vezio Ceniccola
Vezio Ceniccola Tech Master
Telegram X Beta si aggiorna ancora: occhio di riguardo per l'eliminazione delle chat

A stretto giro dal precedente aggiornamento, è già ora di una nuova versione Beta per Telegram X, precisamente quella con codice 0.20.958. Anche questa volta le novità sono molto numerose, soprattutto per quanto riguarda il comparto tecnico e gli aggiustamenti "sotto al cofano".

Tra le funzionalità più interessanti aggiunte grazie a questo aggiornamento segnaliamo un rinnovamento completo delle possibilità di eliminare una chat o abbandonare le chat di gruppo e i canali, la possibilità di salvare le GIF in modalità schermo intero, un nuovo tab per i video messaggi nella sezione Media condivisi, maggiori impostazioni per la privacy e la sicurezza e tante alte ottimizzazioni minori.

Se volete provare questa nuova versione Beta di Telegram X, trovate qui di seguito il link per il download gratuito, mentre più in basso è presente il pulsante per scaricare la versione stabile dal Play Store.

Download Telegram X beta (APKMirror)

Telegram X 0.20.958 beta

  • Completely reworked delete chat / return to chat logic (delete chat / leave group / leave channel / clear history / return to group / return to channel buttons) on all screens (chats list, chat itself, profile)
  • Leave Channel / Leave Group for its creators from the chats list / chat and profile screen
  • Return to Group / Return to Channel through three-dot menu, when available
  • When deleting a secret chat, specify if you'd like to delete history on other party's side
  • When leaving a basic group chat, specify if you'd like to delete chat from the list or just leave without deleting history
  • Save GIF in full-screen GIF viewer
  • Video Messages tab in shared media / saved messages
  • Tap to open full-screen viewer when autoplay GIFs disabled
  • High-quality preview of the GIF when autoplay GIFs disabled
  • When autoplay GIFs option disabled, video messages won't move while paused as well, and this option applies to shared media as well
  • Moved: Destroy group / channel is now located on manage group / channel screen inside three-dot menu (and only if there's less than 1000 members)
  • Updated TDLib version
  • Added "Copyright" as chat report reason
  • Added Settings - Privacy & Security - Clear all cloud drafts
  • Significantly reduced CPU & memory usage taken by each GIF and video message, thus, they display much faster and smoother (most noticeable when you scroll shared GIFs or @gif results)
  • Collapsed some message menu items to "More" in order to reduce its size (also removed "Select" option for the same reason)
  • Playback position is now properly saved when you pause/resume app while playing videos
  • Improved: When new message arrives into the open chat, sound will play only for messages that need notification
  • Improved: "Too Many Requests: retry after X" error message
  • Improved: USER_NOT_MUTUAL_CONTACT error message
  • Improved: Contextual information in pop-ups (i.e. user names or chat titles) is now highligted in bold
  • Improved: Censorship circumvention
  • Improved: Relative date calculation
  • Improved: "Disconnect all websites" pop-up style
  • Improved: Added "Done" pop-up when clearing payment & shipping info
  • Improved: GIF preview open animation
  • Fixed: GIF preview in @gif is beneath keyboard on some devices
  • Fixed: Separators in some pop-ups are too thick
  • Fixed: Video slider is not white on non-deault themes
  • Fixed: "Can't access chat" message when deleting chat from chat screen
  • Fixed: "Can't access chat" when trying to write to some public chats
  • Fixed: "Promote to Admin" doesn't work when you long-press member in a regular group
  • Fixed: When forwaring messages to a channel, "silent broadcast" setting is ignored
  • Fixed: "As X messages" calculates incorrectly when selecting media
  • Fixed: Image doesn't load when choosing wallpaper
  • Fixed: Incorrect date format on call list (missing date & year)
  • Fixed: Incorrect state of play/pause button when opening a video from the gallery
  • Fixed: Incorrect state of play/pause button, when pausing GIF and switching to other GIF
  • Fixed: Incorrect days of week in shared media
  • Fixed: Sticker suggestion results may be duplicated
  • Fixed: Device-specific crash that could occur while trying to play GIF
  • Fixed: When media group arrives to an open chat, only first image is displayed