Substratum si aggiorna per supportare Android O, e non solo (foto)

Nicola Ligas
Nicola Ligas Tech Master
Substratum si aggiorna per supportare Android O, e non solo (foto)

Substratum, ovvero il sempre più standard de facto per la personalizzazione di Android delle varie custom ROM, si aggiorna alla versione 670, portando i suoi temi anche su Android O (API level 26). Questo è importante non tanto nell'immediato, quanto in prospettiva futura, perché quando la versione finale di Android O sarà disponibile, Substratum dovrebbe essere operativo da subito, e magari con un bel bagaglio di temi ottimizzati già pronti.

Ora come ora infatti, aspettatevi comunque qualche possibile problema, dovuto sia allo stato iniziale dello sviluppo, sia alla natura di alpha della developer preview stessa.

Tra le altre novità, segnaliamo il supporto completo (ma iniziale) a Binderfacer (ovvero il modulo Interfacer con implementazioni Binder), il Dynamic Refresh Mode, che aggiornerà la lista di temi installati all'installazione di un nuovo tema, e fix per le autorizzazioni dei temi. Il changelog completo è comunque così lungo e dettagliato che lo mettiamo sotto "spoiler" qui sotto, casomai foste interessati a spulciarlo.

A seguire trovate alcuni screenshot di esempio delle potenzialità di Substratum.

Full translation import
Public release 670
Clean up and reformat
DynamicRefresh: Do not invoke toast on uninstall theme
DynamicRefresh: Send refresh message on theme uninstall
DynamicRefresh: Add support for IA to detect uninstalls
ThemeFragment: Auto-dynamic Refresh of newly installed themes
AdvancedManagerFragment: After removing lingering overlay, update index
ThemeInterfacerService: Blame Ivan's OCD
ThemeInterfacerService: SystemUI should be restarted on priority switch
InformationActivity: Properly locate parent/root node for fab shift
Internal testing release ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!
References: Fix certification check on notification
Internal testing release 665
Overlays: Adjust marginTop for text to select all overlays
Dynamic Gapps > Beans Gapps
Overlays: Add a bit of margin on top of toggle
Refactor and format after fast-forward
Arrays: Update Slovak Translation Title
ThemeFragment: Launch Showcase on No Theme Installed
Register receivers on app update too
Move profile related methods to separate class
Internal testing release 663
BootCompletedDetector: IntentFilters should be launched with app context
Internal testing release 662
Add app update receiver
BootCompletedDetector: Prepare for API26 changes to BroadcastReceivers
Internal testing release 661
AdvancedManagerFragment: Binderfacer should also be able to refresh!
PriorityListFragment: Fix broken animation when showing fab
Internal testing release 660
BinderService: Make the service sticky
Overlays: When mixAndMatch enabled, don't check cached global variable
Internal testing build 659
AdvancedManagerFragment: Toast does not go here...
Internal testing release 658
SoundUtils: Optimize
Overlays: Fix connection loss to list of enabled overlays from IA
Overlays: When updating a framework overlay, restart SystemUI as well!
ThemeManager: Restart SystemUI on framework change
SoundUtils: Don't wait when binderfacer on duty
Backend: Utilize OMS library's OverlayInfo states instead of specifying
ScheduledProfileService: Optimize things a bit
ScheduledProfileService: It's supposed to run with interfacer only
ScheduledProfileService: TODO done
Internal testing build 657
AdvancedManagerFragment: Change here and there
ScheduledProfile: Make it precise down to the seconds
Internal testing build 656
Overlays: InformationActivity.class > this.getClass()
References: Suppress a few warnings by generalizing the try/catch block
References: Null check for offensive check
FloatUiTile: Guard against NPEs on tile state
Overlays: Enforce adapter not being null before running actions
InformationActivity: If the position goes beyond or under, do not crash!
ProfileFragment: Guard against NPE when list() is null
LaunchTheme: Check if launch intent is null before adding extras
InformationActivity: Null checks for odd window refreshes
InformationActivity: Fix potential errors with Palette
ShowcaseTab: Do not call getContext() so many times
AdvancedManagerFragment: Effective NPE handling!!!
Overlays: Suppress warning when type1 default XML not found
ScheduledProfileService: Expose "Day" and "Night" strings
Binder: Add comments to the AIDL interface for each void
Binder internal testing release 655
Overlays: MixAndMatch mode should not be present for disable mode
Binder internal testing release 654
Update interface stub
BroadcastReceiver can't register another receiver
Overlays: No need to wait if binderfacer on duty
Only start BinderService if binderfacer installed
ScheduledProfile: Make sure binder service is started
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/dev'
Binder internal testing release 653
ThemeUninstallDetector: Rewrite the SharedPref after theme uninstalled
ThemeUninstallDetector: Rewrite the SharedPref after theme uninstalled
References: Revive functionality of removing uninstalled theme resources
References: Revive functionality of removing uninstalled theme resources
Internal testing release 635
Overlays: Fix MixAndMatch mode not properly activating
Overlays: Fix MixAndMatch mode not properly activating
Binder internal testing release 652
Move screen off receiver methods to References
BinderService: Clean up
BinderService: Change some static objects
Binder internal testing release 651
References: Update Binder Interfacer version to start at 60
Binder internal testing release 650
BinderService: Migrate the old binder code from Application to Service
PackageModificationDetector: When there's no metadata, reject intent
PackageModificationDetector: When there's no metadata, reject intent
ScheduledProfile: IntentService > JobService
Initial commit for binderfacer implementation
References: Check if device is on O preview, if yes, disable soft reboot
Legacy: Fix up OMS check with a null check
CommitValidator: Disable on legacy devices
CommitValidator: Fix issues where all entries opened framework
Themers, let's start getting on deck with Android O! Shall we?
PackageModificationDetector: Fix check for legacy
restartService > forceStopService
Internal testing release 633
SettingsFragment: Adjust delay of cache a bit longer
PackageModificationDetector: Completely revamp the detection module
SettingsFragment: Adjust tap times to 7 for caching mode
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev' into dev
References: Update hash passthrough
Merge pull request #92 from rbaumert/patch-1