Dolphin Browser ha risolto tutti i suoi problemi con Marshmallow

Nicola Ligas
Nicola Ligas Tech Master
Dolphin Browser ha risolto tutti i suoi problemi con Marshmallow

Siete utenti di Dolphin Browser ed anche del nuovo Android 6.0 Marshmallow? Allora questo è l'aggiornamento del vostro browser che stavate aspettando, perché pare che la maggior parte dei problemi riscontrati con la nuova release del robottino siano stati risolti.

Dolphin parla in particolare del suo ad-blocker, che non era visibile nel pannello di controllo dell'app, e che ora torna a funzionare, ma i fix sono comunque vari: da possibili crash, al redirect errato ad altri browser, passando per scorciatoie scomparse, errori con i permessi e fallimenti del login a Dolphin Connect.

LEGGI ANCHEChe modifiche apporta Dolphin Jetpack al “normale” browser Dolphin?

Di seguito trovate il changelog relativo ai principali fix, ma se non voleste leggere vi lasciamo direttamente il badge per aggiornarvi a Dolphin 11.5 dal Play Store.

  • Crash issues that stemmed from:
    • Inputting text in the address bar or within text boxes on websites
    • Launching Dolphin
    • Browsing resource-intensive websites
  • Link redirection: if a user had another browser set as the default browser, then opening any link within Dolphin would automatically redirect to the default browser instead of staying within Dolphin.
  • AdBlock: the Dolphin Browser AdBlock Add-on was not visible in the Control Panel (in the right side bar), even though it was installed. (Click here to Install Dolphin Browser Adblock.)
  • Disappearing keyboard shortcuts: the extra shortcuts that appear above the keyboard (e.g., www, .com, back and forward arrows) would disappear when typing on Dolphin. Unfortunately, our devs had to disable the keyboard shortcuts for the time being due to stability issues.
  • Error when disabling permissions for storage or location: there is a new feature on Android M that allows users to disable or only use certain permissions a single time vs. every time. There was an error message when attempting to disable permissions for ‘storage’ or ‘location’, which our devs have corrected.
  • Dolphin Connect login failure: the Dolphin Connect extension on Chrome was experiencing issues. Users would not be able to tab push (devices showed up as offline) after login. The extension was also showing the circle looping infinitely instead of successfully logging in. This has all been fixed.
Fonte: Dolphin