LibreOffice arriva su Android, senza modifica dei documenti ed in beta (foto)

Nicola Ligas
Nicola Ligas Tech Master
LibreOffice arriva su Android, senza modifica dei documenti ed in beta (foto)

Sentivate la mancanza di un'altra suite da ufficio per Android? Ecco allora che arriva gratuitamente sul Play Store il già celebre LibreOffice, peccato che sia soltanto un viewer, cioè un visualizzatore di documenti, senza capacità di editing.

LEGGI ANCHE: Microsoft Office per tablet Android

Al momento infatti LibreOffice Viewer Beta supporta i seguenti formati, in sola lettura:

  • Open Document: .odt, .odp, .ods, .ots, .ott, .otp
  • Microsoft Office 2007/2010/2013: .docx, .pptx, .xlsx, .dotx, .xltx, .ppsx
  • Microsoft Office 97/2000/XP/2003: .doc, .ppt, .xls, .dot, .xlt, .pps

Gli sviluppatori promettono già che nel prossimo futuro avremo il supporto per navigare nella memoria SD, al momento peccaminosamente assente, e la possibilità di interagire con alcuni elementi particolari, come ad esempio le URL; funzionalità insomma abbastanza basilari, che speriamo giungano a breve.

A seguire il classico badge per il download, alcuni screenshot, e il comunicato stampa originale.

Berlin, January 21, 2015 - The Document Foundation (TDF) is happy to see the LibreOffice Viewer (Beta) for Android released in the Google Play Store, allowing mobile users to access Open Document Format (ODF) files from devices such as tablets and smartphones.

The application, created by Collabora, is available from the following link:

The first release of LibreOffice Viewer handles text documents and basic presentations. Support for spreadsheets have been included in an early form, while support for  more complex presentations is planned for a future release. Users are invited to download and test the application, although care is advised for production environments.

"Support for Android is the result of cooperation between organizations as well as individual contributors," said Michael Meeks, VP of Productivity at Collabora, "LibreOffice's open ecosystem has again proved its ability to bring diverse groups together to produce great software without restrictions."

The mobile app fulfils the wishes of many users who access ODF files on the go, and is also able to read proprietary document formats from other suites including Microsoft Office.

"This release is the first of a new series of mobile applications," said Björn Michaelsen, a Director of The Document Foundation.

"Individuals, companies and organizations are encouraged to participate in the open development process by joining the LibreOffice community."

The LibreOffice Viewer (Beta) has been created by Collabora with the support of SMOOSE. It is built on foundational work by the LibreOffice community, SUSE, and the Mozilla Corporation, with additional development by Jacobo Aragunde of Igalia, and Andrzej Hunt and Ian Billet as part of Google Summer of Code.